5 steps to perfect smile
The perfect smile is different for everyone, nevertheless some rules exist for a harmonious result. In addition to the shape, the colour and the proportions of your face and lips, GlamSmile also takes into account many other elements when creating your veneers. These are the 5 most important ones:
Step 1
Colour of teeth in balance with the white of your eyes.
We krijgen een harmonieus evenwicht als de kleur van de tanden aansluit bij de kleur van het oogwit. Dit geeft een heel natuurlijke en frisse aanblik, die bovendien ook verjongend werkt. Té wit kan je beter vermijden omdat de tanden dan dominanter worden dan de ogen.
Step 2
Upper teeth more dominant than lower teeth
The upper teeth are preferably more dominant and more visible than the lower teeth. The upper teeth also slightly cover the lower teeth when you give a broad smile.
Step 3
Invisible gums
For a perfect smile, your gums shouldn’t be showing. If you do show your gums, they have to look healthy and be light pink. If a lot of your gums is visible when you smile, the dentist can to remedy this in many cases with a short and painless laser treatment.
Step 4
The upper teeth follow the bottom lip line
The proportions of teeth are obviously very important. They always look better when the upper incisors are just a touch longer than the adjacent teeth. And the picture will be complete when the edges of your teeth follow the lower lip line.
Step 5
Central incisors have identical shapes.
A balanced smile contains 2 identical central incisors. We call them “twins”.
Read here how the GlamSmile veneers are drawn and produced.